Gurita Paul Predict Germany (Jerman) 2010 World Cup Champion. What is Gurita paul?, gurita paul is not a man or woman or event a oracle. Gurita paul is a octopus, that octopus predict germany will win the 2010 world cup champion as the #1 winner. Is it true?, well if we see from the germany match in this world cup 2010, it's can be true. Germany can win on Argentina 4-0, and always win on many match on 2010 world cup.
Recently, see the World Cup 2010 schedule octopus named Paul is rightly predict that Germany will beat Australia in the opening game, then lost to Serbia, then Germany will beat Ghana and Paul is also correct to predict that Germany win against England.
Gurita Paul Predict Germany (Jerman) 2010 World Cup Champion
Paul Nurse, said Paul correctly predicted 80 percent of the results obtained in the struggles over European champions Germany in 2008. In the competition, Germany is ranked second in the qualifying group, losing only once from Croatia. Germany went into the final and surrendered to Spain.
And this time the World Cup in 2010, Paul has chosen as the winner of the German flag and get out as world champion in 2010 (see the 2010 World Cup standings).
Well, predict is just predict can true and can wrong. You can believe it and can not believe it. What do you think?
I think your command of the English language sucks...
Paul did not predict Germany will be world cup champion. Just the games they are going to play.
Holland will play Spain and I prefer Holland even though Spain is current European champion.
Kekuatan “sweater ajaib” Paulus akhirnya luntur oleh ramalan. Jerman tidak menunjukkan permainan cepat dan eksplosif. Jerman tidak bisa keluar dari tekanan. Gawang Jerman akhirnya tunduk dengan sundulan Carles Puyol di menit ke-73. Tandukan itu pula memutuskan “Matador” untuk final.