Paul Octopus predicts Netherlands (Holland) vs Spain World Cup Final. Paul Octopus, this is the most popular animal in this world now haha. We can say that this octopus is reincarnation from a oracle. Last prediction from paul octopus is Germany Vs Spain, he chose spain flag and the truth is spain went to final of world cup 2010. Now, lot of people talk about paul octopus predicts the last match on 2010 world cup, who will be the winner on this biggest sport moment.
But before we see the predicts, i heard from rumor from my friend that octopus paul death, kill by someone and want to make octopus soup with a little black pepper lol. Is it true?, but we not discuss about that here, i think it's because octopus predict Germany will lose against spain and also Argentina will lose against Germany, their fans not agree with the prediction.
Paul Octopus predicts Netherlands (Holland) vs Spain World Cup Final
Okay back again to the topic, about the netherlands vs spain predictions. This predicts from the master oracle, you can believe it or not. Check this one...
What do you think about this video from
Paul Octopus chose Holland, i don't know it's real or not...
Many hoax issue now, even video or pictures from paul octopus predictions we don't know which one is real, for me Spain will be the champion, just my opini.
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