Q! Film Festival - Daily News, this is the big news today. I think you was know about Q! Film Festival, it's an international movie festival and the movie is about lesbXXX, gaX and something like that. I am said like that because many information come and said like that although organizers said "this is not a movie festival like what you think". And the the most surprising me is this movie festival will be run in Indonesia, we all know that Indonesia is one of the biggest Moslem on the world, how the organizer can have a plan like that?.
We will sit and talk about this now, like i said before Indonesia is one of the biggest Islam in the world. Now lot of people opposed the q film festival, but look like the organizer not care about that and continue their job. I am not want to talk about this movie and ask is it true about GaX or lesbiaX?. Even if some people said it's true, i am not want to give any comment before watch it by my self. Let's see their synopsis...
Q! Film Festival
Some movie from that Q film festival,
Monday, September 27, 2010, 15:00 pm, GoetheHaus
Germany, 1919
Black & White, 51 Minutes
Director: Richard Oswald
Languages: German, English
The first German film about homX is forbidden to be played in his time and all that remains is a fragment of the short version of the overhauled in 1927 that form episodes of DER GESETZE Liebe (Law of Love) direction of Magnus Hirschfeld. In addition to the existing film fragments reconstruction of the original film also uses texts from contemporary records and discussions as well as photographs. In addition, 1927 also featured version that has been overhauled and a documentary on the history of film censorship.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 14:30 pm, CCF Salemba
Director: Soren Lang
5 Minutes
A gaX football supporters talk about his life and as a fan Hertha.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 15:00 pm, GoetheHaus
Germany, 1957
Director: Veit Harlan
Languages: German, English
It is surprising that it was Veit Harlan, a supporter Joseph Goebbels during the Nazi regime and paskaperang brought to court for anti-Semitic propaganda film called Jud Süss who directed, who in 1957 dared to play with fire with the offending article 175 of punishing treatment in male homX. Apart from this, the film Anders als Du und Ich is not just a movie about a taboo theme that makes this film was banned from playing in the future, but also become interesting document about youth resistance against structural repairs in the state of German economic miracle and the conflict of a mother who have violated the law by doing "the right thing."
* Some word on this article was censored by me...