Brazil Floods 727 People Killed - Daily News, Approximately 207 people were reported still missing in floods that swept Brazil last few weeks. The death toll reportedly on the increase, with the final death toll reached 727 people. List of missing people has been announced by the government office of Rio de Janeiro. It is estimated that the number of newspapers have been killed by the disaster who attacked a few weeks ago, the most likely to touch the number 1,000.
Local government reported that the city badly affected by the disaster is Teresopolis and Nova Friburgo. The number of missing victims are still reported missing in both cities reportedly reached 300 souls. "There are some families who lost relatives, so they are reluctant to confirm the loss," said civil defense agency spokesman Roberto Botto Brazil told Reuters on Thursday.
The death toll continues to rise each day following the rescue team effort that touches areas isolated due to floods and landslides. Rescue teams continued to dig bodies from residents who are still submerged in the debris that hit the house of mud floods and landslides. While military helicopter seemed still to continue their rescue mission in remote areas to look for people who are still alive. Military personnel also appear to cooperate with citizens to find victims swept away by mudslides.
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Saturday, January 22, 2011
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