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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sms Online Gratis - Kirim Sms Gratis All Operator, hello Aneters, i want to share how to send a sms to all operators for free. But this tips only if you live in Indonesia, you can send many sms to many operators and didn't need to pay. I found a great website that provide this, because this is a free way i can't guarantee that the quality will be 100% great. Want to send free sms to your friends or to your girlfriend also your family?, before that please read this term and condition.

- This free Sms provide by a website and i am not join with the owner, so if there is a problem while using, i can't help much.
- Don't use this free way to cheating somebody or your friends, i believed if you do that, you will get lot of problems.
- If you send a sms, don't forget to write your name there, so your friend know who sent him a sms.

Sms Online Gratis

You can bookmark this url on your computer, so you can be easy to visit and comeback again. Okay, to send free sms just click sms online gratis. Please remember, it's only for you who live in Indonesia.

Special thanks to sms-online.web.id/

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